It seems that now you have your own computer, the slower the taking! Many people will keep their computer until it gets so slow to feel they need a newer, faster model. Some feel the reason is becoming more and more slowly because they are getting older, when this is not simple things. Your computer should run only as fast as the day you brought home - if you follow these 10 Easy Steps to speed up your computer.
1. Empty the Temp directory regularly. Each time you start a program, creates a temporary file, or to save or to close the file. The reason we do this if your system syntrivetai or gets turned off (before you save the file), it will be possible to recover the file unsaved work. This is a good idea, but it rarely works. Each time your system syntrivetai, locks, or gets disabled, and have opened files, temp files to create and just sit there in the Temp. Then, each time you start a program, it appears from all the temp files (to see if someone needs to be recovered) and slows the process open, and in some rare cases, locks, even when trying to start. In any case, the initiation is reduced.
Other ways of getting unnecessary temp files is by installing programs. Most programs have been installed extract temp files (which are required for installation) to the list temp, but often not removed after the completion of the installation.
Windows also uses the list temp for the temp files, for purposes of recovery and continuous use.
Soon after, the temp is filled with hundreds (and I have seen even thousands) of the temp files have been scanned over everything when Windows starts up and when they start programs. This slows everything down immensely.
Empirical rule Temp Files: If you do not have any programs open (and nothing minimized in the bar below), then we should not have any temp files on your list temp. If you do so, delete them.
Temperature to delete files, make sure NO programs are open, and…
A. In Windows 95, 98 or Me, go to C: WindowsTemp and delete everything inside the folder Temp.
B. In Windows 2000 or XP, is a bit trickier. First, make sure you can see hidden files. Double-click My Computer. Click on the Tools pull-down menu, and then on Folder Options. Click on the View tab. Scroll down and click Show hidden files and folders. Click OK. Now you can go to the file C: Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp folder. Delete everything here. Also, look in the C: Windows (or Winnt) Temp or Tmp folders. Delete everything here as well.
Note: this assumes that the link is ID manager. If the bill is not Principal Administrator, or if there is more than one account, substitute "Manager" for account names, and delete temp files from the entire C: Documents and settings (account name) Local SettingsTemp folders.
2. Empty the Temporary Internet Files regularly. This is similar to the Temp directory, but the images and cookies, while browsing web pages. Whenever you go into a Web page, your browser will resemble the list of temporary files Internet, to see if you have all the images they need to see your request for the site. If it is a very long list, will delay your view time. However, if you have a dial-up, this is the lesser evil. If you already have the necessary pictures, is faster (for dial-up) to look through your temporary files Internet, but to download new images every time you visit a site.
On the other hand, if you have a broadband connection to the Internet (with high CableModem, DSL, Wireless, etc.) and you want a little more snap your surfing, then you must delete your files Internet on a regular basis , And choose Control to Newer Images for each visit to a website.
To empty temporary files Internet, go to your Control Panel, click StartSettingsControl Panel (or Windows XP, just StartControl Panel) and double-click Options Internet. Select delete cookies, and delete files. This will clear all temporary files Internet.
To have Internet Explorer always check for new images and content for each visit to a website, the right to delete files button, is the Settings button. Click this button and select Every visit to the website. This option has never Internet Explorer to look through your Temporary Internet Files to see if you already have the necessary images. In this way, Internet Explorer will just automatically take any image, any time, without reading the list. If you have a good connection to the Internet, this is the best way forward. Do not forget to delete your files every Internet at some point (see above).
3. Control of hard disks for problems. There are two different kinds of disk checks: one is a file control, which monitors the situation of your operating system, controls all your files, your file structure, software and other controls. If there are problems with the software (as a corrupt fat (file allocation table), etc., that review will try to fix it. The other is a natural material control disc. Audits This surface of the hard disks, to see if there is Damaged parts (parts) of your hard disk to see if your disk is physical problems. This disk will try to control the repair of damaged areas, but if not, it will mark the industry as evil and trying to move the file (a) or file "pieces" in a good area (s) disc. marking the sector as bad, do not know how to write any future files in this part of the hard disk.
To run a disk check (or scan disk), here are the steps:
A. For Windows 95, 98 or Me, double-click My Computer. Right-click on the C-drive and click Properties. Click the Tools tab and choose to check the computer for problems. If you choose to do a thorough Scan, this will make the material control for physical damage or disk industry losses. Otherwise, the Standard scan makes the software that controls the file. In any case, you can choose to have the scan automatically fix any errors it finds. The Thorough scan does take quite a bit more. You may want to let it run over night. Only Thorough Scan when you think may be a problem with your own drive, or if you have not run it a few months, otherwise, to execute the Standard Scan once a week or so.
B. For Windows 2000 and XP, double-click My Computer. Right-click on the C-drive and click Properties. Click the Tools tab and choose to check the computer for problems. Click on Check Now. Then we will have two check boxes. The leading option is to file inspection, and the second option is for the hardware (physical disk) check. Check either one or two. At least check the top. Again, if you think you might have problems with the hard disk, then check the second as well. And just like Windows 98 Thorough Scan, this will take very little time to run, so let it run over night. One thing, however: For Windows 2000 and XP, you will not be able to run right then check. After pressing the button Start (once under control audited), you will need to restart to run the disk control. We ask you if you want the system to run CHKDSK on the restart. Select Yes and reboot. Shortly before recovering in Windows, the system will do the CHKDSK, and depending on the options you have chosen, will take either a few minutes, and sometimes up to one hour to run. Let it run.
4. A more thorough check disk (and tune-up), would be to use a utility 3rd party (a standalone program other than Windows) to check everything for you automatically. One of my favorite is TuneUp Utilities 2004. The cost $ 39.99, but offers a free download trial of 15 days to check outside to see if it will speed up your computer and / or correct any problems. This program does a really good job of not only control your computer's file structure, master boot record, file allocation table and archives, but also a very good job in detecting and fixing the bad sectors of your physical disk. And not only that but also tunes up your system for increased speed, checks and cleans the Registry, adjust your memory, your Internet tweaks arrangements for faster download and browsing (if you use dial-up or broadband ), And streamlines your operating system for peak performance. I highly recommend this program. If you have not, you can download it HERE.
5. If you do not want to take TuneUp Utilities 2004, you can make some performance tweaks yourself, if you have Windows XP. By default, everything is enabled in Windows XP. It is not very streamlined for performance, but mainly for appearance. You can disable any unnecessary items, Windows and will continue to operate normally, and perhaps a little faster.
To do this, right click on my computer and click on Properties. Click Advanced. According to the Performance section, click Settings. From the Visual Effects tab, you'll see a list of check boxes. By default, all these are relevant. You really do not need any of them. If you choose one of the buttons at the top, say, Adjust for best performance, then all under control will be disabled. This will significantly speed up your computer. You can go through the check boxes one by one, and determine which ones you can and can not live without. The one that will make the biggest impact is the very last on the list. This is the Issues. If you turn it off, would free up a lot of system resources and give you a little more memory to work with, but Windows XP will look more like Windows 2000. For most people, this is not a problem. It is all eye-candy, anyway. The beautiful green pastures picture will disappear; Your beautiful green and blue button and task bar will go to a gray. If you can live with these things, then you will have much more performance. You will see that the menu opens much faster and always responds more directly.
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